My apologies for slacking off on my blog. I was having some trouble with my website (and it may change soon) and frankly, I was just busy. I have still been having my hotwife fun. One of the guys I’ve seen thinks I’ve written enough about him and likes us to remain a bit more private and the other I’ve written about frequently and don’t want to seem redundant. Lol.
Truth is that 2019 has been amazing for me. I haven’t seen new guys really but have really enjoyed both my home and sex life with the hubby as well as the two regular play partners I’ve been seeing. I know both of them well and enjoy their company immensely. I’ve got the best of all worlds and I do realize how lucky I am. Good Karma. I also recently celebrated my 47th birthday and my 25th wedding anniversary. I’m a very lucky lady.
Things may change soon as my longest term play partner is moving out of town. I wish him well and know that he needs this change but I’m really going to miss him! He’s been one of my best friends and he says he’ll be back to see me, but life changes quickly, and I sense that won’t happen.
I’ve been much worse with break-ups in the past, but I guess it’s better to have a little advance notice. I think I’m maturing a bit too. If you’ve read my books (which you should, they’re very entertaining) you would know that I don’t always handle endings well. I may know that all my relationships are temporary, but I’m still a woman, a menopausal woman at that.
In edition to having amazing sexual encounters with the men I’ve been seeing this year (including my hubby of course) I’ve had great nights out, amazing dinners, concerts and shows. All this fun has also cut into my writing time and hence the blog lapse. I did finish my fourth book and it should be released soon! I will keep you posted on that. It’s my first book with a publisher and I’m very excited about it.
I want to thank all the people who follow me on various social media sites. I recently lost my main Instagram page (@mrssexybook) and have been using my backup (@mrssexybook2) instead. It’s kind of a bummer since I had 18k followers but I appreciate those who have followed me to the backup page. I do also have a Facebook page, Mrs Sexy, and Twitter @mrssexybook. I don’t know why Instagram pulled my page as I’d been behaving myself lately and received no pulled posts or anything. There’s basically no recourse and Instagram (same company as Facebook of course) is so big now that customer service isn’t necessary.
I digress. I will be pulling most of my blog posts soon to be slowly replaced with new things. Read them while you can. I see some changes coming soon and it scares me a bit. I need to roll with it and embrace it… But perhaps I’m not that mature yet. I’m going to try to focus on some more writing soon so stay tuned for that. Hope everyone is doing well and embracing their sexuality! Have a sexy day! -Juliet Adelaide