Lockdown Adventure- A Repost from Summer 2020

Follow-up blog to come soon! We finally met!!! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Virtual Sexuality- Date Night with Yann and Hubby        In these unusual and difficult times of a pandemic, a problem is happening that isn’t being discussed. I realize in the grand scheme of things, it’s a minor point but people’s sex lives are suffering.…


Happy New Year!

Greetings Fellow Kinksters! I hope everyone had a very sexy holiday season! As for me, most of my time was spent with the hubby although I did also get to spend some time with one regular play partner of mine as well. Some of you may know that I had carpal tunnel surgery in late…


Ho Ho Ho

Greetings Fellow Kinksters!   Christmas is coming and if you feel like spreading a little holiday cheer, feel free to send it my way! It’s been a rough couple of months for me. I have had a death in the family as well as the death of an ex whom I loved dearly. I had…


Chapter 11. And Then There was Max

Greetings Fellow Kinksters!   Check out my new YouTube video “Chapter 11. And Then There was Max!” I do a live reading from my backyard from my witty, erotic, true story romance book “mrs Sexy!” 18+ https://youtu.be/S7e7QapSV2A This chapter tells the story of my first real date with Max. We had sex on our previous…
